The Forge is Pastor Approved

At the Forge, we believe in the local church. It is the vehicle of Jesus Christ to reach the world and to support those in the family of God. Our mission is to play a small role in helping men move forward in their walk with Jesus Christ so that they can go home and […]
What is Biblical Masculinity?

The definition of a man seems to be getting harder and harder to establish. It used to just be a matter of a y chromosome, but those days are gone. It is not so simple anymore. We live in a world that is deeply confused about gender and what it means to be a man […]
Where do you find courage?

I was struggling with fear. Fear that I was not going to be able to accomplish all that I needed to get done. Fear that I did not have the resources necessary for the task. Fear that I was going to fail. The result was stress, anxiety and acting like a jerk. Have you ever […]
This is what men are saying about the Forge

After a great fall season at the Forge, I wanted to share some of the encouraging things that men had to say about their experience at our Weekend Advance. Sure, I think the Forge is a great place for men to be challenged and engage in real spiritual development, but what do the men who […]
Two things Every Pastor needs to know about Reaching Men

When I was about eight years old, my mother began taking me to church. I went to Sunday School, started memorizing the books of the Bible and I learned how to look up passages by chapter and verse. Up until that point, I had no exposure to Christianity other than looking at pictures in the […]